Are We Educating or Entertaining Arts Audiences?

artnet naomi rea quote experience economy

Last month I was delighted to be invited to speak at the inaugural SPARK: Museums. Ideas. Connections event, presented by Museum and Galleries of NSW. Hosted within the luscious carpeted walls of the Commercial Travellers Association Business Club in Sydney, six speakers delivered pecha kucha style presentations relating to the theme “Disrupting the Status Quo”.

The pitch? The perennial question of workers in the cultural sector: are we educating or entertaining our audiences?

I quickly realised that this topic is MUCH bigger than can be addressed in a 20-slides-for-20-seconds format, so scaled the scope down to discuss this in relation to children and families programming.

Statistics show that if children are taken to museums and galleries by their parents, they are far more likely to return as adults. So this is a vitally important audience segment to consider.

Watch on, and enjoy the emoji.
